How to Deep Clean Your House

Because of how busy life may be, dirt and clutter can accumulate quite quickly. As the seasons change, take some time to clean and organize your home so that it stays spotless all year. You can finish the house on a weekend or one room at a time.

Utilize this step-by-step checklist to learn how to thoroughly clean every room in your house.

How Often Should You Do a Deep Clean?

With a few exclusions, such as cleaning the kitchen, switching out your sheets, and vacuuming the rugs, this deep cleaning checklist can be followed every three to four months. As the seasons change, you should thoroughly clean your house, paying particular emphasis to spring cleaning once the cold and flu season is through.

How to Deep Clean a Kitchen

Since it is used regularly and bacteria from food can cover many surfaces, the kitchen requires a lot of upkeep. To maintain your kitchen spotless, complete these duties periodically in addition to your regular daily cleaning.

  1. Organize your refrigerator

Take everything out of the refrigerator and freezer, toss away any food that has gone bad or has been freezer-burned, and clean all the shelves and drawers. To clean the top, sides, and area behind the refrigerator, pull it away from the wall.

  1. Sanitize the counters

Clean the counters and backsplash using an all-purpose cleaner or a granite cleaner if you have stone tiles after clearing the clutter from your surfaces. Use warm water and a toothbrush with a stiff bristle to scrub the grout. For more cleaning power, you can also add some baking soda to the water.

  1. Rinse the trash can.

To get rid of residual smells, pour 12 cups of baking soda and 12 cups of vinegar down your garbage disposal. Then, plug it with a drain stopper. Remove the stopper and rinse the mixture with hot water after a few minutes have passed.

  1. Clean the microwave and stove.

Remove the microwave tray, then wash it in the sink with warm water and dish soap. Warm, soapy water should be used to clean the microwave's interior and outside.

Your stovetop's burner grates and caps should be removed so you may clean them. If the grates are very oily, soak them for 20 minutes in a solution of warm water, vinegar, and baking soda before cleaning them with a sponge.

  1. Make the oven clean

If your oven has a self-cleaning cycle, start it. It's crucial to understand that this only functions in somewhat unclean ovens. Otherwise, this can cause smoke or perhaps start a fire. If your oven has a lot of buildups or doesn't have a self-cleaning feature, make a solution of baking soda, water, and vinegar and treat the interior using a spray bottle. After letting it sit for the night, give the surface a good cleaning.

Run the dishwasher completely empty.

Clean the drain in your dishwasher to get rid of any food debris. After that, run the dishwasher on a usual cycle while putting a dishwasher-safe container inside with one cup of vinegar. After that cycle is complete, fill your dishwasher with baking soda and run it one more on the hot water setting.

  1. Clean the toaster of any crumbs.

Shake out the crumbs from your toaster or toaster oven into the trash pail. Then, if you have a crumb tray, remove it and wash the grease off the racks and removable trays. Dish soap and vinegar should be used to clean the exterior and interior of the vehicle.

  1. Clean the shelves, drawers, and cabinets.

Clean up your shelves, drawers, and cabinets. This is a perfect opportunity to inventory your possessions, give anything you don't want, and discard anything broken or in need of repair. Warm water and dish soap should be used to clean the interior of each of these locations.